
205 Summit St.
Richmond, MO 64085
Phone 816-776-5304 ext. 2
Fax: 816-776-8216
Office Hours:
Monday – Friday 8 AM – 4:30 PM
... and have fun doing it.
Richmond Missouri is a small, family friendly, community and one of our main goals to the residents is to create opportunity to enrich the lives of the people in our community by promoting their physical and mental well-being through fun events, comprehensive recreation programming, active and passive leisure time opportunities, and through a safe, well-maintained, park system.
Richmond hosts several community events throughout the year that are low cost or free to the public. By supporting Richmond programs, events, and facilities through sponsorship, we can continue to provide and enhance these experiences for the people that call Richmond home.
Businesses searching for creative, interactive ways to reach new, loyal, and active customers are invited to contact the Richmond Parks and Recreation Department to learn about sponsorship opportunities. Sponsors will be offered a wide variety of promotion and public awareness outlets in exchange for their commitment. We look forward to gaining new sponsors while maintaining relationships with those businesses who have been supporters of our events, programs, and facilities, for many years. Below is a list of current sponsorship opportunities Richmond Parks and Recreation offers. These opportunities are designed to benefit our community, our department, as well as your company in regards to marketing. Please take these opportunities into consideration as your new budget year arises. If your business has a sponsorship idea that is not listed below, we would love to work with you.
Please CLICK HERE with your Parks and Recreation Sponsorship Request.
Jingle Jog 5K Run is a new event that started in 2022. Richmond Parks & Recreation and the Richmond Area Chamber of Commerce team up together for this chilly 5K that takes place on the third Saturday in December. This event is a fundraiser event for improving City Gym and the Richmond Area Chamber of Commerce. Sponsorship money will go towards medals, participant water, participant T-Shirts, and other expenses directly associated with the race, as well as improve the City Gym and Chamber of Commerce.
Benefits: Company Logo on the back of Participant’s T-Shirt. Placement of company logo on paper banner at the check-in area on race day. Recognition on Richmond Parks and Recreation Facebook and Richmond Area Chamber of Commerce social media.
Businesses, groups, or individuals are welcome to donate a small amount of money, individually wrapped candy, coupons, store bought cakes, etc. for the free event for our community. Sponsorship money will go towards candy expense to fill the eggs, the cake walk treat purchases, or other expenses directly for the Easter Egg Hunt. The Parks & Recreation Easter Egg Hunt takes place the Friday before Easter at Maurice Roberts Park. Kindergarten aged children and younger will hunt at 6:00pm and First Grade through Fourth Grade aged children will hunt at 6:50pm. In addition to the hunts, there are multiple cake walks for all ages to play, fun music, and photo opportunities with the Easter Bunny. Between the two hunts we put out over 8,000 eggs.
Benefits: Placement of company name, individual’s name, or group’s name on paper banner at the event. Recognition on Richmond Parks and Recreation Facebook.
The American Celebration is our Fourth of July Celebration that occurs in Southview Park the Friday before the Fourth of July. This annual event has been a tradition in Richmond since 2010 and attracts more than 1,000 visitors. The event has a DJ, food vendors, free swim at the pool, and fun for the whole family that will end with a patriotic firework show. This is a free event for our community thanks to our sponsors.
Benefits: Live public acknowledgement during event. Display of company banner at event (company provides banner). Recognition on City of Richmond social media posts.
The goal of all Richmond Parks and Recreation youth programs is to ensure all participants have fun, develop positive character traits, improve work ethics of the participants, and create and improve fundamental skills of the sport they play. The skills learned will give the participants many advantages as they grow as athletes and members of the community. We believe the teaching of hard work and dedication through teamwork, guidance, and fun creates a stronger person both on and off the field. The baseball, softball, machine pitch, coach pitch, and t-ball programs are very important to Richmond youth. In the past, we have averaged over 300 kids per season.
Benefits: Placement of company name on the back of the team’s shirt. Company’s name on game schedules. Thank You sponsorship plaque with a 5×7 picture of the team. Recognition on Richmond Parks and Recreation Facebook.
Disc Golf has quickly become one of the most popular sports in this area and across the nation. Disc Golf is a lot like regular golf, but instead of clubs, you use a flying disc (like frisbees) and instead of a hole, you throw the disc into a basket on the hole. Richmond Parks and Recreation has a new (built in 2023), 18-hole, Disc Golf Course in Southview Park. Free play currently utilizes this facility. Because this is a newer facility, we look to get great exposure. Be one of the first sponsors to put your name on the course!
Benefits: Sponsor name will be on a high quality, durable 12″x6″ sign displayed under the “hole information sign” near the tee pad. The sponsor name will be on the Spartan Ridge Disc Golf webpage. Sponsor will receive recognition on the Richmond Parks and Recreation Facebook Page.
Richmond City gym hosts a variety of activities, including open gym, adaptive P.E., homeschool P.E., pickleball, youth basketball practice, youth basketball league games, youth volleyball practice, and youth volleyball and adult volleyball league games. Other activities in the gym include special events, private party reservations, a place for people to walk or run, and a safe place for kids to hang out after school. City Gym “open gym hours” are free to the public.
Richmond Parks and Recreation is excited to announce, starting October 1, 2024, we will be starting a new sponsorship opportunity for businesses to advertise in Richmond City Gym. Sponsor’s logo will be placed on the North Wall in Richmond City Gym.
Benefits: Placement of company logo on 3.5’x5′ banner in Richmond City Gym. City Gym can be a high traffic area with all the activities in the gym throughout the week, but during youth volleyball and youth basketball season, the City Gym may draw between 280-450 people on a single game day. People on game day would be from Richmond, as well as at least eight other towns. City Gym Sponsorship could create more awareness of your business.