City Administrator
Tonya Willim
816-776-5304, ext. 1104
City Clerk
Saige Mason
816-776-5304, ext. 1103
Finance Director
Misti Holloway
816-776-5304, ext. 1125
Human Resources
Courtney Williams
816-776-5304, ext. 1118
Billing Specialist
Wendy VanOster
816-776-5304, ext. 1105
Customer Service Associate
Maxine Castro
816-776-5304, ext. 1106
Parks and Recreation Director
Haley Williams
816-776-5304, ext. 1116
Recreation Assistant
Mindy Todd
816-776-5304, ext. 1117
Parks and Recreation Maintenance
Drew Brotherton
Brad Edwards
Economic Development
816-776-5304, ext. 1108
Community Development
Lisa Hastings
816-776-5304, ext. 1112
Code Enforcement Officer
816-776-5304, ext. 1114
Animal Control
Dustin Green
Fire Department
Mark Sowder – Fire Chief
Police Department
Scott Bagley – Police Chief