Community Development

Upon construction of a building or house not currently connected to city water/sewer service, an impact fee is charged for impaction of the system.
• Sewer Impact Fees

There shall be five (5) classes of sewer system connection charges based on monthly water usage:
Residential unit connection charge
Water usage of less than 5,000 gallons
Water usage of 5,000 to less than 25,000 gallons
Water usage of 25,000 to less than 75,000 gallons
Water usage over 75,000 gallons
All estimated amounts shall be reviewed after six (6) months of usage to determine an average. If average falls over estimated usage, applicant will be billed for remainder.

• Water Impact Fees

The following charges shall be made for connection to the water main within the City of Richmond prior to turning on of the water to any water connection:

1. Connection charge:

Lines up to one (1) inch shall be $800.00
Lines over one (1) inch shall be $1,500.00
2. The cost of all materials used

Planning & Development Fees

Sidewalk and Drainage Improvement Programs
Sidewalk and Drainage Improvement Program Page

Garage Sale Licenses
A $10.00 license is required to hold a garage sale or any type of sale where multiple items of personal property on property zoned and occupied as a residence and is subject to certain rules and regulations regarding times, number of sales, signs, etc.

Helpful Information
• Do You Need A Building Permit?
• Pool Permit Information
***2015 IBC Swimming Pool Enclosures and Safety***
• Are You Planning on Building a Fence?
• Are You Planning on Renovating Your Residence?
• New Business Information

Farmers Market Information
Farmers Market Page

Community Development Director
Lisa Hastings
205 Summit Street
Richmond, MO 64085
Phone: 816-776-5304 x1112
Fax: 816-776-8216

Nuisance Abatement Officer/GIS Technician
205 Summit Street
Richmond, MO 64085
Phone: 816-776-5304 x1114
Fax: 816-776-8216

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