Richmond Public Works

The Public Works Department is responsible for the construction and maintenance of the City water, sewer and transportation systems.

Richmond Water Treat Plant provides water to approximately 2600 metered customers. There are three wells we treat water from. The treatment plant is operated by certified operator for optimum water treatment and plant operation. Our water quality is monitored by a series of laboratory analytical tests every two hours the plant is in operation ensuring or exceeding compliance with state and federal water quality standards.

2023 Consumer Confidence Report (CCR)
2022 Consumer Confidence Report (CCR)
2021 Consumer Confidence Report (CCR)
2020 Consumer Confidence Report (CCR)
2019 Consumer Confidence Report (CCR)
2018 Consumer Confidence Report (CCR)
2017 Consumer Confidence Report (CCR)
2016 Consumer Confidence Report (CCR)

Did you know there is a difference between a boil advisory and a boil order?

A boil advisory is issued by the City when there is a concern that there MAY be a problem with the drinking water, but none have been confirmed.

A boil order is only issued by Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) when there is a threat to public health. The City is required to notify consumers as soon as possible after the MDNR issue.

Please take the following steps if you receive a boil water advisory or order:
• Boil water for 3-minutes prior to consumption use.
• Dispose of ice cubes.
• Disinfect dishes and other food contact surfaces.

The City of Richmond owns and operates the community Sanitary Sewer System. Wastewater throughout the community moves through nine lift stations, which push waste through Richmond’s many hills and valleys, before reaching the sewer treatment facility in south Richmond. Waste is then treated at the treatment facility, built in 2013, before being released into the local watershed. Previously the community had two treatment facilities. With voter approval in 2010, the “North Plant” was decommissioned and 3.1 miles of pipeline and a five-million-gallon detention basin were installed.

The collection system covers approximately 2,600 acres and includes approximately 240,000 linear feet of public piping with 967 manhole locations. The collection system is divided into nine sewer-sheds, each with an associated lift station.

Excavation Permit
Before digging into the City easement, you will need to pay a non-refundable Street Excavation fee. If you cut into the city street, you must first obtain an Excavation Permit. A security deposit based on the location of the work performed must also be provided, as described by the City’s Comprehensive Fee Schedule. This deposit will be returned upon completion of the work and approved inspection by the Public Works Department.


Public Works Director
Dale Shipp
Phone: 816-776-5304 ext. 122
Fax: 816-776-8216


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