Property Taxes
City of Richmond 2019 and newer property taxes (real estate and personal property) are billed and collected by the Ray County Collector. To pay your 2019 or newer property taxes online, visit the Ray County Collector’s website. All City of Richmond delinquent taxes (2018 and prior) must be paid to the City of Richmond Collector prior to paying 2019 or newer property taxes to the Ray County Collector. To pay your 2018 and prior City delinquent taxes online, visit the following website.
The general portion is used for general government purposes, the parks portion is used to fund the establishment and maintenance of free public parks in the City, and the debt service portion is used to pay general obligation debt issued by the City.
City property tax rates for 2024 (per $100 assessed valuation):
General Total City Property Tax | 0.6656 1.1917 |
Finance Director
Misti Holloway
Phone: 816-776-5304 x1125
Fax: 816-776-8216