Code Enforcement

The citizens of the City of Richmond work hard to maintain their properties. They take great pride in their community and encourage high property maintenance standards. The City Council adopts the ordinances that the City enforces. When appropriate, effective action will be taken to address and correct the complaint. It is important to recognize the difference between a complaint and a suggestion, observation, question, neighbor dispute, or simply a call pointing out a hazard or safety issue.


Below are a few of the requirements of the City of Richmond Municipal Code:

  • Dilapidated sheds, barns or other buildings are not allowed.
  • Property must be kept clear of junk, trash and debris. Airtight containers are not allowed outside.
  • Grass cannot be over 8 inches tall. Lawn must be mowed up to the edge of the street or curb.
  • All brush, dead trees and limbs must be removed.
  • Noxious weeds (poison ivy, oak or sumac and ragweed) are not allowed.
  • Derelict (inoperable or unlicensed) vehicles, boats and trailers are not allowed.
  • Salvage and scrap materials are not allowed on residential property.
  • Limbs must be at least 8 ft over sidewalk and 12 ft over street.
  • Graffiti must be removed.

If you have questions regarding code requirements or a possible violation, call the Community Development Department. Every Report is kept confidential.

Contact Code Enforcement at 816-776-5304 with any questions.

Nuisance Abatement Officer/GIS Technician
205 Summit Street
Richmond, MO 64085
Phone: 816-776-5304 x114
Fax: 816-776-8216

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