Forms are available at the front desk of Richmond City Hall OR by clicking HERE.
The league is offered to youth, 2nd grade- 7th grade. The purpose of the Richmond Parks and Recreation Basketball League is for the participants to have fun and to learn the fundamental skills of basketball, as well as working towards the following goals: learning teamwork, building self-esteem, teaching social and physical skills, creating a fun experience for youth, teaching decision making, responsibility, leadership and respect for authority, as well as other character traits. Practices will start in November and games starting in January. Richmond basketball teams are part of the Missouri River Youth Basketball Club and Richmond teams will play games in Richmond, Lexington, Higginsville, Odessa, Lone Jack, Wellington, and Oak Grove. For more information about the Basketball League, please call 816-776-5304 ext. 2 OR e-mail: hwilliams@